Digitalization is becoming more accessible for e-bike brands: Comodule SDK

Digitalization is redefining mobility and the way we engage with our bikes. The conventional market driven by proprietary parts is undergoing a digital transformation, bringing new opportunities for brands to differentiate. Why has it become increasingly popular to develop an app for a brand?

E-bike apps have become essential tools for riders, offering a range of functionalities to enhance the cycling experience. These apps can be broadly categorized into two types based on their connectivity with the bike. The first category comprises standalone apps that do not require direct connectivity to the e-bike. These apps typically focus on route planning, fitness tracking, community engagement, and sharing biking experiences. On the other hand, we have apps that connect to the bike, providing real-time data such as battery level, speed, and distance traveled. Depending on the connection type, these apps often offer smart features like GPS navigation, ride tracking, frame lock control, and other customizable settings to optimize the riding experience.

As brands are looking for ways to differentiate, connectivity creates a good foundation for the digitalization of the brands. They can use the power of IoT to make journeys connected, safe, and more enjoyable. Intuitive bike control, digital security features, data-driven notifications, and other smart features keep the riders engaged with their bikes and close to the brand. The data insights from the users help the brands to stay more agile and responsive to user demands and continuously develop apps further with system updates and new features. 

Comodule offers 2 different software solutions for bike brands:

  • Comodule Companion App is a simple off-the-shelf app that is included in the Comodule IoT system and connects with the bike. It’s white-labeled to the brand and is a great first step for brands who take first steps to digital products.

  • Comodule Software Development Kit enables brands to build a custom app or connect their existing app to Comodule products.


Follow through the post below to understand the specs of building a custom app and connecting it to your bikes.


What is Bluetooth® Low Energy SDK?

The Comodule Bluetooth® Low Energy SDK is a versatile and efficient framework designed for seamless interaction between Comodule IoT hardware and any Android or iOS application. It allows easy access to vehicle information, altering settings, and performing over-the-air firmware updates. The Comodule SDK always includes the latest protocol version, advanced features, and strong security measures.

Comodule SDK e-bike app

Comodule develops end-to-end connectivity solutions in house, enabling full control over the system’s quality.

Comodule’s diverse range of expertise makes us experts in machine-to-machine communication with our IoT. Our Bluetooth® SDK greatly simplifies the software development process by hiding complex technical details behind a user-friendly API, leading to a more streamlined code base and lowering costs for development and maintenance. 


SDK Features

Find nearby modules - Find nearby Comodule IoT hardware modules.

Connect to module - Easily connect to any Comodule IoT module. In case of a lost connection, the SDK will automatically resume and restore it. We follow platform-specific conventions for restoring Bluetooth® connectivity to ensure a quick and dependable connection.

Reading & writing values - To read or write any accepted value, simply indicate the parameter name. The SDK allows for writing multiple values at once by utilizing a smart command queue system that prevents conflicts when making concurrent changes. It always provides feedback to the implementer regarding the success or failure of a write operation. Additionally, the SDK allows users to subscribe to any readable value to receive real-time updates.

Firmware Updates - Push firmware updates to the IoT module and receive real-time feedback on the progress. The SDK also supports third-party and multi-component firmware updates, ensuring seamless integration. In case of a failed firmware update, the system will automatically handle it to prevent any potential harm to the IoT module.   

Data-to-Cloud - The SDK is capable of data-to-cloud functions for Bluetooth®-only modules, meaning it can send module and bike component data to the server.


Secure communication

The SDK requires an API key to communicate with a predefined set of Comodule IoT modules. Also, every Bluetooth connection is secured with private key authentication, which means that the OEM will always remain in control over who can communicate with their vehicles. 

While digitalization has long been a standard for innovative brands, the Comodule SDK is making this technological leap more accessible for e-bike manufacturers. If you want to learn more how connect your e-bikes and develop your own e-bike app, contact us through the link below.


Holly joins Comodule’s sales team