Comodule: IoT for E-bikes

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Diamond Display: small device but huge effect

With Diamond Display Comodule offers a smart companion to open e-bike systems. On the size of a two Euro coin (1.05”), the bike rider sees all important riding information. The display also connects with smartphones for an enhanced product experience.

The idea behind Comodule Diamond Display is simple: a small screen on the handlebar that tells me the most important bike information like speed or trip distance during my ride. Three buttons guide me through a clear menu and I can change the assist level and can control lights.

Taking a closer look at the device unveils features that neither bike riders nor bike manufacturers want to miss in the future. Let’s begin with the rider:
As Diamond Display always comes along with Comodule Software, the rider gains a whole new dimension to his bike. By pairing his phone to the bike via Bluetooth® the rider is for example able to individualize his bike settings according to his preferences. He can track his rides and compare them with former ones or share them to his social community. Or he can start navigation on the phone where the navigation information will be shown on the handlebar during his ride so he can store his phone and just focus on the beauty of his ride.

If Comodule App is the interface for the rider to his bike then Comodule Control Center is the interface for the manufacturer to his bikes. In essence, it helps to do one thing: improving the rider’s bike experience. Given that the bike rider has agreed to these services the manufacturer is for example able to inform the customer through his app when the next service point of the bike has been reached. Or he can use anonymous bike performance data to further develop the drive system. He can even provide over-the-air firmware updates for the riders. In short, he can further improve the riding, service, and user experience even after the bike has been sold.

As with all other products in the Comodule IoT platform, Diamond Display is always branded according to the bike. By that, the manufacturer is able to create a holistic brand experience from bike to the app – product communication to digital tools and media.

Comodule Diamond Display can be combined with all open e-bike drive systems and gives manufacturers a simple tool to start providing connected products.

If you have any questions about technical implementations or are interested in a product demo, please contact throught the link below.